On Sunday, Ammon and I made the trip to North Carolina to spend a few days with my mom. Today, while Ammon was napping and my mom was upstairs, I was by myself downstairs, and except for the static from the monitor and the hum of the computer, it was quiet. It's not often I experience quiet like that, because when I'm home, there's always a noise, like the TV, the dishwasher, the washer and dryer, Ammon...you get it. And then I heard the birds. These birds were making such beautiful noises, and I listened and thought, how blessed I am, that I have the ability to hear that. How blessed am I, that I have been given so much, and yet, I often take those blessings for granted. I'm not perfect, and I complain about what I don't have and what I wish I had and how maybe I would be happier if I had more. Well, that's almost always not the case. It's what we do have that makes us happy if we learn to have gratitude for what we do have, and to stop thinking about what we don't have. I don't have a lot of money, a big house, an expensive car or a fancy wardrobe. But I do have a loving, caring husband who provides for us, a healthy, happy baby boy, a wonderful family, I'm healthy, I have what I need, and I have the gospel in my life. I am so blessed and I am so grateful for everything I have, and I'm so grateful to Heavenly Father for trusting me to take care of one of His children. I am so grateful for the eternal partnership I have with God in taking care of my son. Being a mother and a wife is my greatest joy, and I can honestly say that right now, I am happy.