Monday, November 22, 2010

Thankful For...

16. NICU, March of Dimes, a healthy baby boy...see previous post

17. Mom2Mom. Earlier this year, two of my friends started a weekly girls night that we call Mom2Mom, and we get together every week and talk about being moms and wives and what's going on in our lives. It's so nice to be able to take a break and have girl time with friends and just talk and have good conversations, which, as a mom, is not someting I do very often. I'm so grateful to my friends for starting it and for keeping it going. I look forward to it every week and I love the friendships that I have and that we've grown closer together. So many of us were pregnant and due around the same time when we started and it has been so great to watch our babies grow and learn new things and interact with each other.

18. Beautiful weather. We have had some amazing weather lately. Crisp cool air, breezy and sunny. Perfect for being outside.

19. That Cameron came home at 5:00 instead of 7:00 today. I love it when he comes home early. It means he gets to spend more time with us!

20. That so many of my friends are having babies! Had a great time at a baby shower for my friend Elizabeth!

21. That we were able to go to NC and that we had a safe trip...and that Ammon slept/was good almost the whole time!

22. That Cameron made it home safely (he dropped me off in NC and had to go back to work today :( but he will be back for Thanksgiving) and being able to spend the day with Ammon and Mom :)

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to see you are so HAPPY! :o) Brings a smile to my face! I hope you have a GREAT visit with family & a Wonderful Thanksgiving! Love You!
