Monday, October 19, 2009

Call Me Crazy...

Halloween is still 11 days away, and I'm already over it. I'm ready to skip ahead to Christmas. I think I've had enough of the fall season. I've decorated the apartment with pumpkins, made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and we're planning to go to Trunk-or-Treat next weekend, but seriously, I think Halloween is overrated...where's the fun in getting ready for it? At least during Christmas there's a tree to trim, decorations to put up, shopping and traveling to do, and WAY more yummy things to cook and bake. Oh, and of course, a ridiculous number of Christmas songs to put you in the Christmas mood...which I have already started listening to. Yes, it's mid-October and I've already got about a million Christmas songs in their own playlist on iTunes, playing as I type. Call me crazy, but, I need a little Christmas. Maybe it's the whole "nesting instinct" settling in WAY too early, or the fact that Virginia is not exactly snow friendly, and I miss having a white Christmas, or at least cold weather during Christmas. Crossing my fingers for a trip home to Maine in December!

On a different note, I'm starting to get really excited about this baby! The morning sickness has FINALLY started to let up and I can actually get out of bed in the morning, eat normally (for the most part), and find the energy to do more with my hair than twisting it into a knot on the top of my head and actually bothering to put make-up on, and I mean make-up, not just concealer, which has become my best friend thanks to the obnoxious acne I've had lately (thank you hormones). My mood has definitely improved too, I've started doing more around the house(poor Cameron has been SUCH a good sport!) and I've been able to accomplish more work for my class! I'm still tired, but at least now I know that it actually comes from doing something than from sitting on the couch all day.

I had the chance to announce our good news in Relief Society on Sunday, along with two other women in our ward! It seems like EVERYONE is pregnant, I know of at least 3 other couples in our ward who are expecting! It's so exciting, our ward is going to have so many babies!
My first doctor's appointment is on Thursday! I will be 10 weeks! We are so excited to go and see how our little baby is doing! I will be sure to blog about it, pictures included!

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