Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Being a Mommy

I wasn't planning on doing any blogging amidst all the cleaning and packing and getting ready to move. two nights ago I was in bed thinking about how fast the year of Ammon's life has gone by. I've watched him grow and learn new things and been so amazed at this little boy and everything that he's been through, and despite having the odds against him, he has thrived and been such a wonderful blessing. He always makes me smile, and I am so lucky to have been blessed with such a beautiful baby. Time goes by too fast and it reminds me to slow down and treasure every little moment with him, because time isn't going to slow down. I love being a mommy and I love everything that comes with it.

I saw this on a friends blog and had to re-post it.

When you're a mother...

Nothing is yours.

Your clothes aren't yours-They're a drying towel, a washcloth, a kleenex.

Your furniture isn't yours-It is a trampoline, a bed, a fort, a tent, a mess.

Your TV isn't yours-It's an on-demand movie theater filled with Sesame Street, Veggie-Tales, etc...

Your Personal Time isn't yours-It's Snuggle time, it's on-demand snack time, it's "Mommy, I need MORE attention!" time.

Your body isn't yours-It's a carrying device, a personal walker, two hands and two feet for getting whatever needs they have.

Your lips aren't yours-They're boo-boo kissers.

But most importantly:

Your HEART isn't yours-It fully belongs to them. And you wouldn't have it any other way.

Being a MOTHER isn't always easy, and it can seem at times like nothing is as it used to be, or never will be yours again. But it is, and always will be, the most rewarding job, life, that you can ever have. Yes, I miss my personal space at times. But NO, I wouldn't change it for the world.


  1. This looks vaguely familiar. ;)

  2. Soooo Sweet! I can't believe Ammon is a year old. Time sure does fly!!
